
Tweeting for Days in Only an Hour

Rate that Twitter App: Cotweet 4.5/5 stars

TGIF and TF for Cotweet. My new favorite third party application in the vast realm of Twitter. My goal for the @STAConsignment account that I          manage for my internship is to tweet about three times a day: 1) fun fashion trend 2) a RT of one of our stores with some merchandise 3) a RT from one of Twitters many #fashion or #style talkers. Sounds easy?

Well, sort of. The thing is, managing a Twitter for a company is tough just because I'm not in front of my computer 24/7 (and while I advocate technology, we all need to take a break now and
then). So what's the solution? Well, every Saturday I scour the fashion blogs, find my favorite links, and save them. From there, I log in to Cotweet and schedule them all in advance.

Okay, so that's nothing new- lots of sites do that. So where's the advantage? I can view all my accounts (personal and work) at the same time, and the other admins on my work account are all linked. We can edit each others messages ahead of time and I can make sure that my boss and I aren't scheduling our posts too close together and that we aren't doubling up on info and essentially spamming our followers.

So where am I docking that half star from? Overall appearance. It's easy to use and fairly intuitive, but it's slow to update new messages and even slower to delete older ones or mark them as "read." I get so excited when I see I have twenty new mentions only to be greatly disappointed by the fact that I've already seen at least 15 of them...

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